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Submission to DAE Game Projects Jam 2019
[Group17] Furball Fury
Return to [Group17] Furball Fury
Devlog 10 - The End
May 28, 2019
Cheerios everyone This is both a happy and a sad day, as the development of Furball Fury comes to an end. It was an exciting adventure making an exciting game from begin to end. We want to thank all o...
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Devblog 9 - Polishing week 1
May 14, 2019
Howdy folks! This week we started polishing and refining our game, so it goes from cool to freaking awesome. We mainly managed to improve player feedback by alot. First of all we managed to bring our...
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Devlog 8 - End of development sprint
May 07, 2019
Hi everyone! Been a while since our last devlog, but that also means we were able to bring you a bigger update. We reached the end of actual development which means we wont be adding more features to...
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After holidays devlog
April 24, 2019
Matei Ungureanu
Hi there random people who for whatever reason ended up on our game page! We're back after the holidays with new spirits and a slightly modified game. We got lots of feedback (still more to come), and...
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Devblog 6 - Development sprint 2 week 1
April 03, 2019
Hi guys Only a small update for this week as our artist had 2 big deadlines and some of the programmers were pretty sick. Our progress was mainly just making the game more stable and adding a game be...
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Devblog 5 - Ending development sprint 1
March 27, 2019
Hey guys! I hope everyone is doing fine this week? I unfortunately felt a bit sick but that didn't stop me and my team members for rocking this week. It's an important week as it's the ending of our...
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Devblog 4 - Development week 2
March 19, 2019
#DAE, #game project, #unreal
Howdy everyone! Welcome back to our weekly devlog! This time around we got a bit more in the art departement than last time and also added a couple pickups and hazards around the map. Another big thin...
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Devblog 3 - Development week 1
March 12, 2019
#DAE, #game project, #unreal
Howdy everyone! Great news. We got greenlit to do continue on the project we been prototyping for for 2 weeks. Marathon Mayhem is actually happening. In our final prototype we unfortunately did not ma...
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Devblog 1 prototyping week 2
March 05, 2019
Hi everyone! Welcome to our 2nd devblog. I am super hyped about this project and hope you are too! This week ill tell you more about our engine choice, struggles we had, artistic direction and why you...
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Devblog 0 - Prototyping week 1
February 26, 2019
Hi everyone! Welcome to the first devlog of Marathon Mayhem, a game about running, obstructing the other players from running and more running. Go off screen and you die. Pickup objects like freeze gr...
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